To build the Antlion Armor, players will need to brave the Sandbox Area, which can be a pain on its own as players will suffer the Sizzle effect if they are under the sun when traversing the area. It's also suggested that players have a full Antlion Armor set to deal with the Ladybird Larva during the defense event, as they can also inflict the Sizzle effect when attacking. RELATED: Grounded: How To Complete The Black Anthill Lab If players succeed in defending the weapon, they'll be able to claim it for themselves, as well as unlock the recipe for it. Interacting with it will start a wave defense event in which players must keep Ladybird Larva from doing too much damage to the sword. Once inside, they will spot the Spicy Coaltana stuck inside a Charcoal chunk near the center of the bag. These are the only ways in and out of the Charcoal bag, so players should make note of its location if they need to escape. To get inside the Charcoal bag, players need to climb ontop of it and search for a small hole torn into the side of the bag, or head around the back to find a small hole underneath it. Players will need to create special Antlion armor to help them survive the intense conditions. Players should be aware that most of the area surrounding the Charcoal Grill (as well as the bag) have Sizzle spots that can drain a players health by causing them to overheat.

Where To Find The Spicy Coaltana In Grounded Here's all players need to know about finding and unlocking the Spicy Coaltana in Grounded.

Players that want to get their hands on this unique weapon (and be able to build more in the future) will need to traverse some pretty hazardous terrain and tangle with a horde of imposing foes. The Spicy Coaltana is a great example, as it comes preloaded with the Spicy augment, can be used as a light source, and will dish out some serious damage once it's upgraded. RELATED: Grounded: How To Get The Tier 3 Termite Axe That said, some of the most powerful weapons in Grounded are unique and come imbued with additional effects or damage modifiers. The bugs that patrol the backyard can be downright painful, especially when players begin to progress into "higher-level areas." Thankfully, players can make some pretty powerful gear by piecing together bug parts and random nature materials. If players want to survive their adventure through Grounded, they'll have to build powerful weapons and armor. Tips For Dealing With Ladybird Larva And Defending The Coaltana.